Saturday, January 8, 2011

And suddenly I'm not in America anymore

Well after a semester of preparation, I am finally in Madrid ready to begin a semester of studies, learning, and yeah lots of fun too. Above is the first picture I took here, and yes it really isn't anything special, but it's pretty decent for how jet lagged I am. Arriving at 9am in Madrid on about 1 hours of sleep on the plane has not made for an energetic day. This is wayyyy worse than pulling an all nighter. Thanks to a few cups of coffee and lots of walking, I have managed to stay awake thus far. Though I did consider curling up on the floor of the restaurant we had lunch in to take a little nap. Jet lag really is that bad. Anyways enough complaining about that. The weather here is great. It is in the 50's today, and after being at home in Minnesota it feels almost tropical. It really hasn't quite hit me yet that I am in Spain, it feels really surreal. Of course it will soon be much more familiar!  

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I'm so excited for you! Have a blast this semester :) Travel as much as you can, take lots of pictures, and try to not let studying get in your way ;)
    Enjoy every minute!
    We miss you back here at LUC!
